Look Better and Feel Better with Rhinoplasty

Eyes and nose are the most appealing points of a face and make a great impact on the total looks. Perfect noses is what most aspire for but rarely get by birth. Hence, in modern times, it is the deft hands of the cosmetic surgeon that makes dreams into reality and a crooked or blunt shaped nose into a sharp and aquiline one. Rhinoplasty, or a nose job in general parlance, is what this procedure is known as. While it is not always possible to get a Cleopatra like nose, rhinoplasty in Columbus, Ohio will definitely enhance the facial beauty and redeem the self confidence of an individual. Both men and women can go for this procedure though it is generally discouraged for boys under 17 and girls under 15.

After Rhinoplasty Picture
An experienced surgeon performing rhinoplasty can alter the shape of the tip, reduce the size of the nose or even change the angle between the upper lip and the nose. Rhinoplasty Columbus Ohio is not necessarily for cosmetic purposes only. Blocked naval cavities or injuries to the nose can also be set right through this method. 

There are two procedures for carrying out rhinoplasty – the open technique and the closed technique. Both require incisions to be made in the nostrils but an extra incision in the fleshy skin has to be made in the open type. After the skin is separated, bones and cartilage may need to be chiseled or even broken to get the desired result. The operation generally lasts for a couple of hours and is done under general or local anesthesia.

The side effects of rhinoplasty in Columbus, Ohio are bruising and swelling of the face. But patients can return to their normal routine after two to three weeks looking good and high on confidence.